HealthFirst Therapies

Care Instructions


  • Massage
    • Bring with you reports/Scans/X-rays if available.
    • Hydrate yourselves.
    • Bring along any items that you may need to assist yourselves.
  • Cupping/Hijama
    • For Sunnah points Hijama, do not eat anything 3 hours before the session. Please drink enough water for proper detoxification.
    • The above condition doesn’t apply for therapeutic cupping.
    • Bring with you reports/Scans/X-rays if available.
    • Taking shower is recommended an hour before Hijama wet cupping.
    • Bring along any items that you may need to assist yourselves.
    • For people who have lot of hair on the body, please remove all hair at home before coming to the appointment.


  • Massage
    • It is likely the body will feel sore after the massage. Take a hot water shower or apply heat to the affected areas to reduce the soreness.
    • For optimum results, perform stretches and exercises as recommended by the therapist.
    • It is highly recommended to give the body complete rest after the session.
  • Cupping/Hijama
    • No shower, bath or getting into water 24-36 hours after Hijama wet cupping
    • For sunnah Hijama only which includes 10 or more cups, no meat and milk products for the rest of the day after the session.
    • It is highly recommended to give the body complete rest after the session.
    • No stretching, exercise, heavy lifting, strenuous activities, or physical relation with partner after the session.
    • Have a soft diet which is easy on the stomach.
    • If felt itchy, apply pure coconut oil, extra virgin olive oil or black seed oil to the affected areas.
    • Continue taking medicines if already on medication.
    • For people who have lot of hair on the body, please remove all hair at home before coming to the appointment.


Healing Crisis – It is possible to experience healing crisis after an intensive hijama cupping session. Also known as the “Herxheimer Reaction”, this reaction occurs when the body tries to eliminate toxins at a faster rate than they can be properly disposed of. The more toxic one’s bodily systems are the more severe the detoxification, or healing crisis. It is characterized by a temporary increase in symptoms during the cleansing or detox process which may be mild or severe. You may feel worse and therefore conclude that the treatment is not working. But these reactions are instead signs that the treatment is working and that your body is going through the process of cleaning itself of impurities, toxins and imbalances. Please speak to us if you undergo these symptoms and are concerned after the hijama session.